3 min readAug 4, 2021


août 🦁♌️

My original entry for August felt a little bit dark and too personal so I decided to take it down, I’d like this space to be a lot more positive since those are the vibrations I seek, I should project it some more!

I hope everyone had a July as fantastic as mine?

Amazing would even be an understatement if I’m being honest, my processes couldn’t have been more seamless, results of the little habits finally paying off, Reading a lot more than I could have imagined, had several moments of clarity and was also afforded the opportunity to see certain people in their
“true form” lol… also got closure on so many levels amongst other successful leaps being made! Absolutely brilliant month if you ask me…

Unfortunately August didn’t have that exact start for me which is something I plan on changing real soon… I remember in a previous entry talking about how difficult and unrealistic it is to change certain things with “one fell swoop”. Well, I’m about to go against my own advice and actually try this in one fell swoop because it’s been long coming! The mind is strong but the body is weak 😂. Or how does that saying go?.. I’m being extremely vague I know 😂. I just don’t want to jinx it by giving it all away but what I do know is: an important decision is being made in my life and I’d like to cement the decision on my birthday. Today! ….If I can pull this off successfully, proud would be scratching the surface of emotions i would feel….

Honestly, I'm not one big on resolutions simply because i believe if you have cogent goals to achieve, you don't wait till the first of the year to take it a lot more seriously.. For some weird reason, my last couple of birthdays have been the “First” so to speak… i make certain promises and commitments to myself on this very day and it has worked so far… This year, i have added something near and dear to my heart on this list and i am really hoping and praying i can come through for myself! No pressure, lol.

Achieving a goal only changes your life for the moment. That’s the counterintuitive thing about improvement. We think we need to change our results, but the results are not the problem. What we really need to change are the systems that cause those results

As interested as i am in these set goals on my list, the process most essentially is what i need to make the awesome part and i am confident with mindfulness, awareness and other daily tools that have kept me afloat, i will achieve and then overachieve! There's no other way around it.

Anyway, this entry is just to fulfill my journaling quota😅, check in on you guys to see and know it’s all going well too? No excerpts to share this week but I promise I’ll work on something soon, I’ve actually just been doing it all at my pace, consuming the information in bits and mindfully so i don't get caught up… It’s much more fun that way!

Wishing you guys a super month of August filled with Love, Intent, Purpose and Success in all our concerns.. Also, say a little prayer for me today, A little mantra, you know? wish me long life in sound mind and health, purpose driven existence and the ability to be of service to humanity even at the most basic level imaginable…

My initial entry for the month started with feelings of being low and overwhelmed with anxiety which is something I usually experience on my birthdays for certain reasons but i hope to turn things around for the better before the month runs out.

Love, Light and Positive Vibrations Always 🧡☀️🚀

Midè 🪶


